In a magazine interview I once said, “This approach isn’t for everyone. I am not going to tell smokers (and vapers) what they want to hear that deep down they know is not the truth anyway. I am not going to claim to rescue them from the process of stopping. I am not going to offer them a temporary fix that will not produce the profound healing they are really seeking. Instead, I am going to offer them an approach that is lasting, one that will truly transform the way they see themselves.”
If the information on my website or on Facebook isn’t telling you what you want to hear, that’s okay. There are many ways to approach this and you have your own unique journey. I urge you to find what works for you. But, if you have already tried most of what else is out there and you are feeling disillusioned and hopeless, you may want to take a closer look at this. As you inform yourself about this approach and me, ask yourself, “What does this approach have to say to me? Do I trust her to walk her talk? What do I have to learn from this? Where is the lesson in this for me? Can this approach offer me a true deliverance from the bondage I have endured until now?”
In the end, it is a leap of faith to try this. I know taking the leap is scary, but there is no need to be afraid. Many have walked this same path, and as many are happy and grateful to be free, and nobody has died from stopping! Jump! You can make it. I know you can.