I am grateful for…
The healing that has taken place in my body and being as the result of stopping smoking so many years ago
The life it has led me to with a purpose to help others
My healthy lungs and organs
Not having to smoke anymore
Having learned that I am not a victim, that I have a choice, and for having learned how to make a positive choice that has stuck
Having learned that the greatest obstacle to my success in life is not what is out there but within me, and how to surrender that
All the amazing people who have been brought into my life that I was able to help and support, and who have enriched my life beyond measure
Having learned to trust others to help me grow
My amazing partner, dearest friend, and lover who is my husband, and the adventurous life we share
Our brilliant grandchildren and their beloved parents of whom we are so delighted and proud!
My most wonderful family and friends around the world who enrich my life beyond measure
My abstenance from alcohol, refined sugar, white flour, and caffeine. I never knew I could feel so good without them!
This beautiful country we live in with all of it problems and diversity.
My faith in God
Hope itself in all that God has made
The challenges God has given me
Each breath